It feels like a never ending disaster, as yet another tropical Storm, Nadine, is brewing in the Atlantic. And the question is: are these Natural Hurricane or Man-Made?
Just one look at the sky and I'm pretty sure its Man Made, or at least Enhanced by Man-made chemtrails.
As Everyone knows, hurricane Milton struck Florida Oct 9. The photo above was taken at 12pm in Miami Oct 9th, just hours before the hurricane hit. The sky was full of chemtrail streaks, that slowly dissipated into a gray haze. Since then its been almost non-stop chemtrail gray hazy skies and some rain. Now we are expecting another storm. The ground hasn't even dried yet in flood stricken areas along the west Coast of Florida, and the constant spraying is causing more rain and humidity, conditions that promote Storm development.
Chemtrails are full of toxic chemicals and heavy metals, it's plain unsafe to breathe that level of pollution. When the skies are so polluted just taking a walk is exhausting.
We have a right to breathe clean air.
We have a right to blue skies free of chemtrails and cloud seeding.
And for the people on the West Coast of Florida who are being battered by these constant storms, they have a right to live in their homes, without the threat of being driven out by man made hurricanes and flooding.
Chemtrails and cloud seeding are defined by long-lasting contrails from airplanes created from harmful chemicals or biological agents used to manipulate the weather, wether to make it rain or snow, or to stop global warming by blocking the sun's rays.
But this short-sighted approach is wrong: it's robbing Peter to pay Paul. Excessive Rain in one state can cause droughts in nearby states.
Its important to understand that when we
This practice is unsafe, and it may be behind the extreme hurricanes we've been seeing.
Tenessee banned chemtrails back in March, which is a good start. The state has decided to stop funding chemtrails, but the bill didnt mention how they wiould effectively stop the federal government from spraying over their state. Nonetheless, it's a step in the right direction, and every single state in America should follow suit.
The powers that be are trying to push out the people living on the west coast of Florida. One thing of note is that unlike Miami through Palm Beach on the East Coast, beachfront property and areas close to the beach on the West Coast are still owned by private individuals. The beachfront property along Miami has been overtaken by large corporations and greedy contruction companies who have been busy bulldozing lower buildings and erecting facy high risers.
Big corporations buy out majority of the condo units, then take over the HOA, raise HOA fees astronomically, forcing the rest of the condo owners to sell, so they can buy out the buildings completely, knock them down and erect high risers.
This agenda is worth billions, and local and state government officials are getting paid off.
If we think about the recent Homeless Bill that Governor Ron Desantis just passed Oct 1, basically criminalizing the homeless, banning them from sleeping on public property throughout the state, under pain of being thrown in jail, its just really crazy and seems a little too coincidental.
What with thousands of people along the west Coast who are now basically homeless due to rising floodwaters from the Hurricanes, where are they supposed to go? Would they be criminals for sleeping outdoors on public benches and in state parks?
Many homeless are elderly, people with mental health issues and physical disabilities.
And they are disappearing off the streets of Florida.
Are they being taken to jail? The shelters are overflowing, there is no room for them and not enough public housing.
Martha Are CEO of the Homeless Services of Central Florida said "the legislation does little to tackle homelessness which is driven largely by lack of affordable housing... the number 1 demographic of homeless people in Florida is the Elderly" She explained that of the $30 million provided for this new legislation only $10 million is new money, not nearly enough to set up more shelters throughout the state. In any case, shelters only provide temporary shelter, there is no long term housing provided for the homeless.
Florida has become a state of Sedom and Gomorrah Florida has and its time to put a stop to this.
Is this Hurricane situation a possible attempt to force out local residents on the west coast of Florida in the name of turning Florida into a State for the wealthy?
Ocean front properties are worth billions.
Im not sure what the agenda is, but creating storms for any reason just isnt right.
To learn more about chemtrails and cloud seeding click here .