Unveiling the Silent Menace: The Long-Term Dangers of Antibiotics
Antibiotics aren't harmless, in fact, the exact opposite is true, most people ...
The Dark Side of Salmon: The truth about the Salmon Industry
Salmon has long been celebrated as a "superfood" for its purported health bene...
Top News Stories: Are Chemtrails to Blame for Unprecedented Snowstorms in The South? Plus Red Dye #3 why now?
"Record-Breaking, Once-in-a-Lifetime Snowstorms Strike the South – Is This ...
The Cancer Prednisone Connection: Why Immunosuppressants Carry Grave Risks
For millions of people diagnosed with autoimmune disorders, Prednisone and oth...
Top 8 Addictive Foods and how to Banish Food Cravings Once and for All
Food addiction typically doesn’t develop overnight. We get accustomed to uneha...
Struggling with Bone and Joint Pain This Winter? What you can do to fight back
Why do arthritis symptoms worsen in winter?
Our joints function best in modera...
Is Alzheimer's Type 3 Diabetes? Shocking Link Between High Blood Sugar and Alzheimer's Disease
Did you know that high blood sugar levels could potentially increase your risk...
Sweet Deception: Uncovering the Hidden Dangers of Aspartame Splenda and Stevia
Are you indulging in a sweet deception that could be harming your health? Prep...
5 Essential Tips To Lose Weight Quickly and Safely
by MP Geulah
Losing weight doesn't have to be as complicated as it often seems...
Another Hurricane Headed Towards Florida? Man Made or Natural Disaster
It feels like a never ending disaster, as yet another tropical Storm, Nadine, ...
Chem-trails during a Hurricane? Playing with Fire
Chemtrails in the Middle of a
Florida is Playing with Fire
As Every...
Unveiling the Hidden Dangers of Sprouted Breads: The Link between Sprouting Grains and Legumes and Mold Growth, and its Negative Impact on Health
Touted as a "healthy bread", sprouted breads are not only not healthy, but the...