AZODICARBONAMIDE the yoga mat ingredient in bread
Ever feel that you swallowed a brick after eating out? Do you Experience unexplainable bloating and chronic swollen belly? Azodicarbonamide, the yoga mat ingredient, is one of the most toxic ingredients in modern commercial breads and baked goods.
Arby's, Mcdonalds, Wendy's, Sara Lee and Starbucks' baked goods all contain this hazardous chemical.
In fact the majority of commercial breads and baked goods you're eating at restaurants contains this ingredient.
So what is Azodicarbonamide and why the heck is it in food?
Bottom line Azodicarbonamide is a cheap foaming agent commonly used in the creation of foamed plastics – like yoga mats, shoe soles, floor mats and window gaskets.
Most countries have banned the use of this chemical in food. In fact, the USA is one of the only first world countries allowing into the food supply.
It is banned in the U.K., Europe, and Australia. In Singapore you can face prison time and get a $450,000 fine for using it.
The FDA allows food companies to use azodicarbonamide as a flour bleaching agent and dough conditioner in any food product giving it a status of GRAS or “Generally Regarded As Safe”.

The Dangers of Azodicarbonamide
When azodicarbonamide is heated, like it is during the baking process, trace amounts of semicarbazide and urethane are formed. These compounds are recognized carcinogens and semicarbazide was shown to cause tumors in humans. In fact studies show that it caused lung cancer in mice.
Widespread Health Concerns
The chemical also increases the risk of asthma, allergies and respiratory issues. When a truck carrying azodicarbonamide overturned on a Chicago highway in 2001, it prompted city officials to issue the highest hazardous materials alert and evacuate people within a half mile radius! Many of the people on the scene complained of burning eyes and skin irritation as a result.
Side Effects of Azodicarbonamide:
1. Gut Problems
It stands to reason that an ingredient that creates the foamy and rubbery texture of yoga mats and shoes would promote bloating gas and overall stomach distress when consumed.
2. Azodicarbonamide is a Skin Irritant
The WHO report also noted physical exposure to azodicarbonamide caused recurring dermatitis.
3. Azodicarbonamide Disrupts the Immune System
In 2001, lab tests found that direct exposure to azodicarbonamide inhibited human immune cell formation and function. This becomes an even bigger concern when azodicarbonamide is heated up, as when it's a bread ingredient…
4. Azodicarbonamide Creates Toxic By-Products When Heated
Azodicarbonamide is broke down into and semicarbazide and ethyl carbamate when heated. A 2003 study using animal models found that it caused free radical damage to DNA. Other studies have found that semicarbazide damages human immune cells and causes cancer.
Ethyl carbamate is a carcinogen to animals; in fact this is backed by over 200 studies. Research from 17 years ago confirmed that adding azodicarbonamide to bread increased ethyl carbamate levels. The awful truth is that industry has known for nearly two decades that this is toxic trash and fed it to us anyway.
5. Harmful to Hormone Function
Exposure to semicarbazide can present another health risk. Animal studies have found it has a toxic impact on hormones and the hormone-regulating organs, including the thyroid, thymus, spleen, testes, ovaries, and uterus. As is the case with all endocrine disrupting compounds, this stuff is poison!
Does all commercial flour contain Azodicarbonamide?
Since it is part of the flour making process, it is not always listed on ingredient labels , but you can assume that it’s in most products made from white flour. That includes pasta, cookies, bagels, croissants, cereal, crackers, muffins, pastries, chapatti and more.
How to Tell if the bread or pastry you're eating contains azodicarbonamide
When looking for bread sources, avoid bread that is fluffy. Dough conditioners like azodicarbonamide and potassium bromate were probably added to the flour, to increase the dough volume. Keep in mind, ingredients added to flour, dont have to be included in bread ingredient labels.
If the bread puffy and fluffy on the inside, it will make your gut "puff" too, causing bloating and digestive problems. Problems with digestion can lead to a host of other illnesses. Keep in mind, health begins in the gut.
At Joseph's Organic Bakery our bread is not puffy. Why? Because we dont add anything to the dough to help it rise.
Sometimes, customers ask why our loaves are small. They dont understand that the size of our loaves is exact proof that our bread is healthy. We dont use bromates , dough risers or white flour, to expand volume. In fact, we use much more dough and more flour than other bakeries, which costs us more to produce each load, and still our breads are a quarter of the size of other commercial sourdough breads.
Joseph's Organic Bakery : Ancient Grain Breads with Absolutely no additives
It's crucial for bread manufacturers to prioritize consumer health and safety by avoiding all dough conditioners like azodicarbonamide and potassium bromate.
At Joseph's Organic Bakery our bread is not puffy. Why? Because we dont add anything to the dough to help it rise.
Sometimes, customers ask why our loaves are small. They dont understand that the size of our loaves is exact proof that our bread is healthy. We dont use bromates , azodicarbonamide, dough risers or white flour, to expand volume. In fact, we use much more dough and more flour than other bakeries, which costs us more to produce each load, and still our breads are a quarter of the size of other commercial sourdough breads, because we dont add white flour or dough risers.
To experience healthy ancient grain bread with absolutely no additives click here.
Our breads are made the ancient way with only 3 ingredients. Discover why our bread is helping thousands of customers improve their health by watching our amazing testimonials.