Salmon has long been celebrated as a "superfood" for its purported health benefits. However, recent insights challenge this reputation, revealing unsettling truths about both farmed and supposedly wild-caught salmon. If you’ve been relying on this fish as a staple in your diet, it may be time to abandon this dangerous practice and opt for other protein sources.
In fact, grass fed organic beef and pasture raised organic chicken are better options if you must eat animal protein.
Vegetables are also good sources of protein as well as Einkorn.
Our oceans are contaminated with pesticide runoff from conventional farms and heavy metals and chemicals from dumping.
Fish make the top 10 of my list of the absolute worst foods to eat in 2025. And its mind boggling that its touted as a health food.
Wild-Caught Salmon
Before we continue know that 99% of "wild" salmon are actually grown in overcrowded disease ridden ocean pens.
Studies suggest that over 90% of certain wild fish species carry parasitic eggs, and more than 75% of wild-caught salmon fillets can contain parasitic worms.
In fact, brown bears that feed on wild salmon can be seen with parasites hanging out of their bodies.
Parasites drain our bodies of nutrients and cause a host of health problems including cancer.
As you see in the photo below, a brown bear with visible parasites.
Another HUGE concern is salmon vaccination. "Wild" caught salmon are actually grown in overcrowded ocean pens full of sea lice and disease. These fish are vaccinated when they are young salmon before they are put in the ocean pens. Vaccines are full of antibiotics and who know what other toxins.
Wild Caught Salmon can also be GMO, as fish grown in ocean pens are not wild species, they are born on land, vaccinated and then put out to ocean.

AquAdvantage® salmon is the GMO salmon approved by the FDA a few years ago. See their factory salmon farm facility in Indiana below.
This rapidly growing salmon is a genetically modified variety that reaches market size in about half the time of conventional Atlantic salmon. While traditional Atlantic salmon takes 32 to 36 months to grow to market weight, this GM salmon achieves it in just 16 to 18 months.
The salmon contains a growth hormone gene from the fast-growing Pacific Chinook salmon and a promoter sequence from the ocean pout. Together, these genetic modifications act as an "on" switch, allowing the salmon to grow year-round, rather than seasonally like wild or farmed salmon.
The health risks of consuming GMO salmon are completely unknown, however, what we do know is that the risks of GMO are vast, our bodies are not programmed to consume GMOs. Our bodies react to GMOs like foreign invaders, initiating a strong immune response, this can lead to autoimmune disorders, and even cancer.
This doesn't even take into account the spiritual ramifications of genetically modifying G-d's creatures. Mixing and matching genes from various species, its messing around with things we shouldn't be. Modern technology like CRISPR which enabled the "creation" of GMO salmon is a serious threat to not only our physical well-being but also our spiritual well-being.
GMO Chicken and meat have also been approved for sale by the FDA. They are still in the production stages.
We must fight against and reject this new wave of GMO. If we don't act soon the animals we know and love will all be genetically modified.

AquAdvantage® salmon is the GMO salmon approved by the FDA a few years ago. Their factory salmon farm facility in Indiana above.
The Farmed Salmon Dilemma
Farmed fish endure harsh conditions, including exposure to herbicides, SLICE chemicals for sea lice, and large doses of antibiotics as they live in their own waste. Additionally, farmed salmon are artificially colored with red dye to enhance their appearance, presenting a misleading image of freshness before reaching grocery shelves. Much of the Atlantic salmon available today is farmed due to the endangerment of wild Atlanticsalmon populations. Farmed salmon often come from overcrowded conditions that lead to health issues such as sea lice infestations and the frequent need for excessive pesticides and antibiotics. These chemicals pose potential risks to human health and the environment .Moreover, many fish farms employ genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to expedite growth,adding to the controversy.
FISH ARE Vaccinated
Aquaculture, the farming of fish and other aquatic organisms, has seen a significant rise inrecent years. To boost production and maintain fish health, a new practice has emerged: fish vaccination. This raises serious concerns for health-conscious consumers. modern technology allows for the vaccination of 18,000 salmon per hour, it raises important questions about itsimpact on human health and the environment. These vaccinations often take place after the fish have been anesthetized. Post vaccination , fish are placed in antibiotic treated water. After which they are either farmed in indoor pens (farmed salmon) or ocean pens (wild salmon). People should avoid consuming fish that have been anesthetized and injected with questionable vaccines. Additionally, the use of antibiotics in aquaculture, can contribute to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This poses a significant threat to public health as these resistant bacteria can spread to humans and make common infections more difficult to treat.
Given the increasing use of questionable practices in the aquaculture industry, including the vaccination of fish, it's wise to reconsider consuming fish. The potential health risks, coupledwith the ethical concerns surrounding the treatment of farmed fish, make it a prudent choice toavoid seafood altogether. information on the potential long-termeffects of consuming vaccinated fish on human health. Additionally, the use of antibiotics inaquaculture, even in conjunction with vaccination, can contribute to the rise ofantibiotic-resistant bacteria. This poses a significant threat to public health as these resistantbacteria can spread to humans and make common infections more difficult to treat.Given the increasing use of questionable practices in the aquaculture industry, including thevaccination of fish, it's wise to reconsider consuming fish. The potential health risks, coupled with the ethical concerns surrounding the treatment of farmed fish, make it a prudent choice to avoid seafood altogether.
Sushi the Highly Addictive Parasitic Meal that must be Avoided
Sushi, featuring salmon, has gained popularity as a trendy, healthy meal choice. This is a huge scam, and a danger to public health. Raw salmon carries significant risks due to the high possibility of parasites such as tapeworm, some of which can be incredibly toxic for humans.
Additionally, Traditional sushi includes sauces that contain highly addictive ingredients like MSG and other chemicals, plus hidden sugars and GMO soybeans.
When you eat Sushi know that you are consuming a highly addictive substance with a high possibility of parasite infestation.
Umeboshi- Nature's Anti-parasitic anti-fungal probiotic
Umeboshi Plums - Nature's Probiotic
If you're concerned you may have parasites, candida yeast overgrowth, h. pylori, intestinal infections, or IBS, consider utilizing an ancient Japanese food renowned for its digestive rejuvenating properties.
Umeboshi plums are fermented plums, rich in probiotics. For over a thousand years they have been valued as a powerful digestive aid. Asian cultures use this fruit to rejuvenate the gut, as an anti-bacterial, anti-candida, and anti-parasitic. It also combats eczema and psoriasis, fights fatigue and aids the liver.

Given the increasing use of questionable practices in the aquaculture industry, including the vaccination of fish, it's wise to reconsider consuming fish. The potential health risks, coupledwith the ethical concerns surrounding the treatment of farmed fish, make it a prudent choice toavoid seafood altogether. information on the potential long-termeffects of consuming vaccinated fish on human health. Additionally, the use of antibiotics inaquaculture, even in conjunction with vaccination, can contribute to the rise ofantibiotic-resistant bacteria. This poses a significant threat to public health as these resistantbacteria can spread to humans and make common infections more difficult to treat.Given the increasing use of questionable practices in the aquaculture industry, including thevaccination of fish, it's wise to reconsider consuming fish. The potential health risks, coupled with the ethical concerns surrounding the treatment of farmed fish, make it a prudent choice to avoid seafood altogether.
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