7 Easy Tips that Can Improve Your Digestion, Eliminate Pain and Discomfort:
- Eliminate All Dairy. Milk proteins are hard to digest for many people. Milk, even organic milk, is pasteurized at high heat which destroys the molecular structure.
- Eliminate Sugar: Sugar, including high fructose corn syrup, fructose, white and brown sugar, and even cane sugar are all highly procecssed and feed yeast and bad bacteria in the gut.
- Remove Processed Foods: most processed foods contain GMOs, preservatives, processed flours, and processed sugars which destroy the gut
- Eliminate Fish Chicken and Meat: If you cant live without meat then The only meat you can eat is organic grass finished red meat cooked in water (not fried) ;think meatballs. Or try bone broth soup. Fish should never be consumed its full of anti-biotics heavy metals and pesticides. Our oceans are contaminated.
- Empty your Bowels: trapped waste in the intestines are a breeding ground for parasites, bacteria and yeast. Use this anti-constipation tea to cleanse out the bowel
- Add Natural Probiotics Natural Probiotics like sauerkraut when consumed along with food can aid digestion, and will improve your gut microflora.
- Eat 2 Slices of Ancient Grain Sourdough Bread per day: Our Sourdough bread is full of natural probiotics, fiber and nutrients. Its easy to digest. Especially this Kamut Bread.

Joseph's Organic Bakery
Joseph's Organic Bakery was born with the desire to make a difference: our mission is to create the healthiest bread possible. We bake like a thousand years ago using only 3 ingredients: flour, water, and sea salt.
We use a special preparation process to ensure optimal vitamins minerals and fiber in every loaf. Then We ferment the bread to create a probiotic rich sourdough.
We are the only Ancient Grain, Wholegrain bakery in the United States. Our Ancient grain Sourdough Breads are made with Kamut, Einkorn, or Spelt. All of our breads are baked with wholegrain flour. We never use white flour ever!
Click below to learn more about our Ancient Grain bread at Joseph's Organic Bakery.