Prozac and other SSRIs like Lexapro and Zoloft are finally coming down from their long stint as the "magic pills" for depression and anxiety.
For many years, doctors led people to believe that antidepressants were the miracle drugs for all of life's problems including divorce, low self-esteem, anxiety, breakups, and grief.
SSRIs were touted as the daily pills that could lift your mood almost instantly.
For years, people were prescribed these medications without so much as warning that they were addictive, that severe side effects or withdrawal effects would be felt if an attempt was made to get off the pills.
In fact the pills effectively turned people into drug addicts without warning.
Finally the truth about SSRIs are coming out. New studies show that they are not nearly as effective as previously thought, in fact they are almost no more effective than a placebo, yet they come with a whole list of toxic side effects.
Drug makers only publish the results of clinical trials selectively, choosing to publish only those that show the results they want to be publicized, while withholding trials that do not.
When SSRI drug trials between the years 1979-2016 were scrutinized by independent scientists it turned out that antidepressants only showed benefit in 15% of patients over a placebo.
In a 2019 article, Dr. Peter C. Gotzsche, cofounder of the Institute for Scientific Freedom, also points out other factors that can influence study results, falsely making antidepressants appear better than placebo in some studies. He explained that patients who take part in clinical studies are often on drugs already and then taken off cold turkey before being placed on placebo. Predictably, they dont respond well to the placebo because they are experiencing withrawal effects from the drugs. In his words:
"[V]irtually all trials are flawed, exaggerate the benefits of the drugs, and underestimate their harms … Virtually all patients in the trials are already on a drug similar to the one being tested against placebo.
Therefore, as the drugs are addictive, some of the patients will get abstinence symptoms (usually called withdrawal symptoms) when randomized to placebo.....
....It is no wonder that new drugs outperform the placebo in patients who have experienced harm as a result of cold turkey effects......
Leading psychiatrists don't understand this, or they pretend they don't.

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Long term use of Antidepressants is hazardouse to health:
Long term Side Effects include:
1) 76% Increased risk of Bone fractures in the first year of use: Source a 2015 study
After two years of treatment, the fracture rate was 73% higher.
Since 19% of the elderly in the U.S.A are prescribed an antidepressant, this is a major concern. Especially since Hip fractures and falls in the elderly are a major cause of death:
"They (antidepressants) can cause orthostatic hypotension, sedation, and confusion and they double the risk of falls and hip fractures in a dose-dependent manner. Hip fractures are often deadly, which makes psychotropic drugs a silent killer, as we will rarely suspect that it was the drug that caused the fall." Dr. Peter C. Gotzsche.
2) Serious Risk of Psychotic Episodes and Violence: Double the risk of a core psychotic or potential psychotic event in women. Double the risk of harm from suicide and violence in healthy adults.
3) Overall Death risk raised by 33 percent : A 2017 study concluded that in the general population, those taking antidepressants had a 33 percent higher risk of dying prematurely than people who were not taking the drugs.
The study was conducted in Canada led by scientists from McMaster University.
As the authors of the new study write, antidepressants “disrupt multiple adaptive processes regulated by evolutionarily ancient biochemicals ( serotonin), potentially increasing mortality.”
4) 14% more likely to have a heart attack or stroke: Additionally according the Canadian study listed above, antidepressant users were 14 percent more likely to have an adverse cardiovascular event, such as a stroke or a heart attack.
5) Low Sex Drive and Sexual Dysfunction- Antidepressants- The most commonly reported adverse sexual effects in women taking antidepressants are problems with sexual desire (72%) and sexual arousal (83%). This is a major concern for married couples, as low sex drive can cause marital tension.
6) Weight Gain and Food Cravings- Some antidepressants can cause a weight gain of 30 pounds in just a short period of time. They can also cause uncontrollable hunger cravings.
7) Insomnia
8) Fatigue
Although side effects of getting off SSRIs can be very hard with difficult withdrawal effects, it can be done effectively under the guidance of a trained professional. Generally, the approach is a slow tapering off effect. In the Netherlands, 70% of people using the tapering strips have been able to come off the drugs.
A recent trial in England showed that 44% of patients were able to stop the drugs, but in reality the numbers could be much higher when the tapering off effect is combined with diet, exercise and herbal medicine.
Alternatives to Anti Depressants
1) Exercise -
In a shocking new meta analysis, published in the February 2024 issue of The BMJ, Exercise was found to be more effective than Antidepressants. An overview of 97 systematic reviews and meta-analyses found exercise is 1.5 times more effective for mental health than top medications or counseling, and benefits were seen in 12 weeks.
Lead author Michael Noetel, a senior lecturer at the School of Psychology in Queensland, Australia, told PsyPost: 4
"We were surprised exercise worked so well for so many people. The benefits were bigger than we expected. Exercise was as good as therapy and drugs."
2) Get off of Sugar-
Men consuming more than 67 grams of sugar per day were 23 percent more likely to develop anxiety or depression over the course of five years than those whose sugar consumption was less than 40 grams per day, for instance, so getting off of sugar is one strategy to boost your mood.
Opt for natural sugar like fresh fruits, dates, or raw honey and or maple syrup. Avoid all types of sugar including white sugar, brown sugar, cane sugar, fruit syrups, fructose etc...
3) WholeGrain Ancient Grain Breads
Low carb diets are known to cause depression. Judith Wurtman, director of the Women's Health Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who advocates a diet high in complex carbohydrates for weight loss and stress relief, says her studies on rats have shown a connection between a diet low in carbohydrates and low levels of serotonin. In her research, rats placed on a ketogenic, or low-carbohydrate, diet for three weeks were found to have lower levels of serotonin in their brains.
We need carbs to survive. The human brain run best on carbs. To achieve mental stability, relaxation and happiness.
But the key is to choose a High quality wholegrain carb source, not empty carbs.
The best carb for overall health is Proper Bread. Bread was a staple for thousands of years for a reason. Modern commercial bread on supermarket shelves is made with genetically modified modern wheat and processed in such a way that almost no vitamins remain.
B vitamins are very important when it comes to lowering anxiety and depression.
Ancient grains like Kamut are very high in B vitamins. At Joseph's Organic Bakery, our unique preparation process preserves the vitamins and fiber in the bread, unlike store bought bread which is basically empty carbs.
For the healthiest sourdough ancient grain breads click here
4) Replenish your Adrenal Glands & Increase your Energy Levels-
The adrenal glands bear the brunt of chronic stress anxiety and depression. Chronic stress and anxiety leads to high cortisol and adrenaline levels. When these hormones levels get out of whack, it can cause depression.
Elevated cortisol levels lower brain 5-HT function and this in turn leads to the manifestation of the depressive state. (Cambridge university).
This situation of Chronic stress and depression causes adrenal burnout leading to lethargy, low energy, brain fog.
To rejuvenate the adrenal glands is critical especially if you're experiencing the above symptoms.
Our Boost herbal formula helps rejuvenate the adrenal glands leading to higher energy, clearer thinking. Not only does it boost energy but it also boosts athletic performance.
5) Probiotics
Gut Health plays a huge role in depression, in fact studies show that the gut in many ways acts as a "second Brain". For this reason its important to consume probiotic foods that can help promote the growth of good bacteria.
Consider a small study involving adults diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and depression that found the probiotic Bifidobacterium longum provided depression relief. At six weeks, 64 percent of the treatment group had reduced depression scores compared to 32 percent of the control group that received a placebo.
Fermented foods are a game changer when it comes to improving gut health.
Best probiotics food include sauerkraut (click here) or umeboshi fermented plums (click here), probiotic drinks such as coconut kefir (click here). Some probiotic pills might help, but in food form its much more effective.
People with insomnia may have a tenfold higher risk of developing depression than people who get a good night's sleep. And among people with depression, 75% have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.
Getting proper sleep is important for maintaining mood, but oversleeping is not beneficial either.
If you experience insomnia or trouble getting deep sleep try our Sleep Easy (click here)
7) Essential Oils-
When you inhale a substance it goes straight into your blood stream, for this reason essential oil inhalers can be a powerful asset of any health regimen, including depression.
In clinical trials, essential oils have been proven to elevate mood. You may be wondering how essential oils work. Because smells are carried directly to the brain, they serve as emotional triggers.
Our Anti-Stress Essential Oil Inhaler helps:
- Support Natural Stress Relief
- Helps Nervous System
- Assists with Mood
Learn more about our Anti Stress Inhaler (click here)
8) Sunlight and Vitamin D-
Studies have shown vitamin D deficiency can predispose you to depression and that depression can respond favorably to optimizing your vitamin D stores, ideally by getting sensible sun exposure. In one such study, people with a vitamin D level below 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) had an 85% increased risk of depression compared to those with a level greater than 30 ng/mL.
Exposure to sunlight is important, not only because it will help optimize your vitamin D levels, but also because it regulates your circadian rhythm and production of serotonin, which is released in response to sunlight exposure.
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