Chemtrails in the Middle of a
Florida is Playing with Fire
As Everyone knows, a hurricane struck Florida last Thursday night. Imagine my surprise (well I wasn't really surprised) when at 7pm Thursday in Miami, I looked up at the sky and noticed planes in the sky leaving multiple chemtrails behind. ( I could clearly see airplanes leaving behind chemtrails, that spread out after a few minutes). Even though Miami wasn't in the direct path of the hurricane, it was close enough for us to get heavy rains and wind. The fact that planes were still at work creating chemtrails was quite concerning and very risky.
Chemtrails and cloud seeding are defined by long-lasting contrails from airplanes created from harmful chemicals or biological agents.
In fact, the government spends hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on chemtrails or contrails, every year. Their reason is to prevent climate change. (The chemtrails reflect the sun's rays from hitting the earth, thus supposedly preventing global warming.)
The result? They create major climate change which they are trying to prevent!
Individual states engage in chemtrail or cloud seeding programs for various reasons: to make it snow, or to increase rainfall.
But this short-sighted approach is wrong: it's robbing Peter to pay Paul. Causing droughts in nearby states and showering people and crops with huge amounts of heavy metals like aluminum which are present in the trails .
Its important to understand that when we
This practice is unsafe, and it may be behind the extreme hurricane conditions last night.
States like Tennessee banned chemtrails back in March. Its not clear cut how much of an effect the bill will have and how long it will take to implement, considering the federal govern,ment is behind much of the chemtrails througout the United States.
The Tennessee Senate voted to ban the release of chemtrails and cloud seeding over their state. They passed SB 2691 /HB2063 on Monday, March 18 2024.
The bill claims it is "documented the federal government or other entities acting on the federal government's behalf or at the federal government's request may conduct geoengineering experiments by intentionally dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere, and those activities may occur within the State of Tennessee," according to the bill.
Where is Florida in all of this? Where is corrupt governor Desantis? Why won't he put a stop to chemtrails like the state representatives in Tennessee?
Why won't all States try to stop the chemtrails like Tennessee?
Chemtrails are not healthy, releasing toxic chemicals and heavy metals into the air, and they are also flat out dangerous causing extreme weather conditions.
And doing this during a hurricane- just plain playing with fire.
To learn more about chemtrails and cloud seeding click here .