If you haven't yet switched to Ancient Grains, don't delay. Ancient grains like Einkorn, Kamut and Emmer offer so many benefits in comparison to the ultra-hybridized modern (genetically modified) wheat.
Although wheat is not considered by most to be genetically modified, for all purposes it has been, just the process was a little different. Modern wheat is a hybrid mix of over 7 grains and grasses, and some of those grasses are not fit for human consumption. Modern wheat has been genetically altered to increase gluten content (make it fluffier) and more resistant (to increase yield). This was done to increase profit for farmers and bakers.
But this short-sighted approach has damaged the health of humanity world-wide. In this article we will focus on Einkorn, one of the oldest grains in the world.
Here are 5 Top Benefits of Einkorn:
1) Einkorn is Non-hybridized (Non-GMO)- Unlike Modern wheat, Einkorn hasn't been modified from its original form. Einkorn is in pure form as it was hundreds/thouands of years ago.
2) Heart Health - Einkorn is high in several heart-healthy nutrients – lutein, potassium, and vitamin B6 to name a few. Evidence suggests lutein can prevent clogging in carotid arteries and reduce plaque build-up throughout the cardiovascular system. Potassium can improve blood pressure and heart beat regularity. Vitamin B6 aids in the prevention of heart disease and heart failure. Einkorn is a great source of lutein and vitamin B6 and has a respectable amount of potassium.
3)Higher in Lutein- the brain protein- Einkorn is high in lutein. Being the main carotenoid in the brain, lutein helps with learning and improved visual processing. In fact, studies show that increases in lutein leads to improved memory and can boost brain performance.
4) Anti-Inflammatory- There are some vitamins and minerals that research shows can help reduce inflammation. Magnesium and Vitamin B6 are two of these that einkorn is high in. One-hundred grams of einkorn contains 26-28% of the necessary magnesium for women and 35-36% for men. Vitamin B6 is a strong presence in einkorn as well. Einkorn contains 38% of the RDV for vitamin B6. These two nutrients are linked to lower indicators of inflammation.
5)Hormone health- The high protein content in einkorn can help to make sure our hormones are being produced as they should. Hormones are made of proteins.
Einkorn is also high in Zinc. We need these nutrients to keep the reproductive system functioning. For women, zinc is necessary for hormone regulation and egg production. A zinc deficiency in males can cause chromosomal issues and development problems in sperm. So if you're looking to increase your chances of having a child, or if you're looking to maintain healthy hormone levels, switch to Einkorn.