Over 43% of American adults are obese, and 40% of kids are overweight. Just 50 years ago, only 5% of the American population was obese. These statistics are mind boggling and instead of taking the processed food industry to task for creating this massive problem, BIG PHARMA comes up with more drug solutions that will cause even more drug dependency down the line as people develop secondary health problems as a result of the weight loss drugs. It's a win win situation for BIG PHARMA as each Ozempic patient brings in a whopping $15,000- $20,000 per year.
Currently, 6% of American adults are on weight loss drugs, but the numbers will continue to rise, despite mounting evidence of significant health risks.
Weight Loss drugs don't address the underlying issues behind obesity such as why people overeat to begin with, never feel full, or why they don't produce enough natural GLP 1 and therefore have high blood sugar levels. Without solving the underlying problems, taking drugs like Ozempic will just create secondary health conditions.
Taking the drugs long term, or for the rest of your life to keep the weight off, is not sustainable, and therefore the weight will come back on when the medication is stopped, yet many of the side effects caused by the drugs can be permanent and may even lead to surgery.
Some Major side effects of Ozempic include: severe muscle loss, gastroparesis, thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, kidney disease, retinopathy, suicidal thoughts.
In a study of over 4000 Ozempic patients published in JAMA, 5 out of every 1000 patients had stomach paralysis which is an increase of 35%, pancreatitis risk increased by 900% and Bowel obstruction, which often requires surgery, went up by 422%.
Sounds Fun, No?
Thankfully, the hidden risks associated with certain weight loss medications have come to the forefront, raising major concerns among health-conscious individuals. In this article, we delve deep into the potential hazards of Ozempic and Wegovy,

Understanding how Ozempic works
Ozempic and Wegovy belong to the class of drugs known as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists. GLP- 1 is a natural hormone produced in the gut that balances blood sugar levels and promotes satiety.
Naturally, when we eat food, the intestines releases GLP 1 which helps us to feel full and releases insulin so it helps us to lower blood sugar and lose weight.
Natural GLP 1 hormone is a multitasker, simultaneously signaling to three main organs at once. It stimulates nerves in your gut lining to tell your brain that you feel full, so you end up eating less overall. It stimulates the Pancreas to release insulin, which balances your blood sugar levels. And GLP-1 slows the passage of food from your stomach into your intestine, making you feel fuller more quickly
Ozempic and Wegovy are made of synthetic chemicals that mimic GLP 1.
Real GLP 1 hormone produced in the gut offers many benefits without side effect.
So the natural solution to obesity should be to increase our bodies natural production of this incredible hormone.
The synthetic hormones found in weight loss drugs are not the same and come with a host of negative side effects.
Health hazards associated with Ozempic and Wegovy
Minor Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn, dizziness and constipation.
Major side effects: severe muscle loss, gastroparesis, thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, kidney disease, retinopathy, suicidal thoughts.
In a study of over 4000 Ozempic patients published in JAMA, 5 out of every 1000 patients had stomach paralysis which is an increase of 35%, pancreatitis risk increased by 900% and Bowel obstruction, which often requires surgery, went up by 422%.
Loss of Muscle mass - many people who are losing weight on Ozempic are actually losing muscle mass, in fact, in many cases, up to 50% of the weight you lose could be muscle mass. Loss of Muscle can cause frailty. Especially as we get older, without muscle mass, things like walking up stairs or even being able to walk at all will become difficult or impossible.
An older generation with no muscle mass? Think a booming nursing home industry as more people are forced to live in assisted living facilities. Old age homes for people as young as 55 and 60 full of people who no longer able to take care of themselves.
Muscle mass is what's causing “Ozempic face” BECAUSE losing muscle on your face, gives that sunken look.
Thyroid cancer- These medications have been linked to the development of thyroid tumors, both benign and malignant, in some users.
Diabetics that take the drugs for 3 years, had a 50%-75% increased risk of getting thyroid cancer
Bowel Obstruction- The way Ozempic works is it delays stomach emptying, this can cause bowel obstruction and stomach paralysis (gastroparesis).
The FDA has said they received report of stomach paralysis even after the medication were stopped.
In clinical trials 20% of patients taking Ozempic felt nausea and 9% experienced vomiting. 40% of patients taking Wegovy, a stronger form of ozempic, experienced nausea, and 24% experienced vomiting.
Pancreatitis- a potentially life-threatening condition characterized by inflammation of the pancreas. This complication can result in excruciating abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting, and may require hospitalization and intensive medical treatment.
Kidney Problems- Another concerning side effect of these weight loss medications is the potential for kidney problems. Both Ozempic and Wegovy have been linked to an increased risk of acute kidney injury, which can lead to a decline in kidney function and even kidney failure in severe cases. This is particularly worrisome for individuals with pre-existing kidney conditions or those who may be more susceptible to renal complications such as diabetics.
Sudden Blindness- is also a rare side effect of these weight loss drugs.
GLP-1 receptors are not only found in the pancreas, but also in the retina and other parts of the eye. By targeting these receptors, Ozempic and Wegovy may disrupt the delicate balance of the eye, leading to vision problems and, in some cases, permanent blindness.
How to stimulate GLP 1 production by fixing your gut issues
While Ozempic and Wegovy may chemically stimulate GLP-1 levels, the core underlying issues that contribute to weight gain and metabolic imbalances lie within the gut. By addressing gut health, individuals can take a safer more holistic approach to stimulating natural GLP-1 production and achieving sustainable weight loss.
One of the key factors in promoting GLP-1 production is the health of the gut microbiome. The diverse population of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms that reside in the gut play a crucial role in regulating hormone levels, including GLP-1. When the gut microbiome is out of balance, it can lead to a decrease in GLP-1 production.
To stimulate natural GLP-1 production, it is essential to focus on restoring gut health. This can be achieved through a variety of strategies, such as:
1. Incorporating more fiber-rich, plant-based, wholegrain foods into the diet to nourish the gut microbiome. 2. Reducing the consumption of processed foods, sugary beverages, and animal proteins that can disrupt gut balance. 3. Incorporating probiotic-rich foods or supplements to replenish beneficial gut bacteria.4. Addressing any underlying digestive issues, such as leaky gut, through dietary and lifestyle changes.
Read more below to learn more about how to actively jumpstart GLP-1 production
Plant-based Ozempic alternatives
Studies have shown that you can increase your body's production of GLP-1 with your diet. Frank Duca, who studies metabolic diseases at the University of Arizona agrees. One of the key foods that triggers its release is a food most Americans struggle to eat enough of, fiber.
Specific types of fiber from various grains, specifically wheat increase GLP-1 in a few ways, the same 2016 research review suggests.
Their soluble fiber slows down digestion. This leads to a gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream, which triggers the release of GLP-1.
Plus, when fiber is fermented by gut bacteria, it produces short-chain fatty acids like acetate, propionate, and butyrate. Research suggests that these fatty acids stimulate GLP-1 release by binding to L-cell receptors.
At Joseph's Organic Bakery we bake bread like a thousand years ago. Our ancient grain breads are SUPERFOODS. Unlike other bakeries, our breads are true wholegrain. We never use white flour ever. We use all parts of the grain including the bran germ and endosperm. The bran is teeming with fiber. Our breads are made from Kamut or Einkorn, both of which are the oldest non-GMO non hybridized grains in the world.
Each of these ancient grains have unique health benefits and anti-inflammatory properties.
Modern Commercial Bread causes inflammation and weight gain. Our breads are made with ancient anti-inflammatory grains and our special preparation process ensures that our breads are full of fiber and nutrients which keep us satiated. When the body receives the nutrients and fiber it needs, toxic cravings and overeating stops.
Our probiotic sourdough breads and superfoods will cleanse your digestive tract, promoting the growth of healthy gut bacteria. A healthy gut promotes weight loss.
Now dont think you can take fiber supplements and be done with it. Fiber supplements like psylium husk actually destroy the gut, and do not stimulate GLP1 production. You must increase fiber intake from food sources to get the benefits.
For healthy ancient grain sourdough breads click here or below
Green tea can increase production of GLP-Green tea contains epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG), a polyphenol that supports GLP-1 production. A 2014 study found that green tea extract increased GLP-1 in patients with type 2 diabetes and lipid abnormalities. Another study found that green tea showed the highest level of GLP-1 after 120 minutes of in vitro digestion.
For the highest quality green tea from pure soil, not contaminated with heavy metals, click here or in the product carousel below
3) Fermented Foods
Fermented foods are high in prebiotics and probiotics, increasing the amount of GLP-1
Umeboshi plums are fermented plums, rich in probiotics. For over a thousand years they have been valued as a powerful digestive aid. Asian cultures use this fruit to rejuvenate the gut, as an anti-bacterial, anti-candida, and anti-parasitic. It also combats eczema and psoriasis; fights fatigue and aids the liver.
For the highest quality umeboshi plums click here
Sauerkraut, or fermented cabbage, is another fermented food that provides a whopping dose of probiotics and vitamin C. For many years ago Sailors concerned about the effects of not having access to vegetables or fruits, would take sauerkraut with them on long voyages to prevent them from getting scurvy. It was effective.
Most store bought sauerkraut is heated (pasteurized) which makes it shelf stable but kills the probiotics, so be sure to opt for raw unpasteurized sauerkraut like the one featured here or click below.
4) Olive Oil
Studies suggest that unsaturated fats, like those in olive oil are better at stimulating GLP-1 release than saturated fats like butter.
A 2016 review mentioned earlier reported
- Rodent studies have shown that regular consumption of an olive oil-enriched diet increased GLP-1 secretion, increased glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, and enhanced glucose tolerance.
- Similar results were seen in diabetic rats fed a diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids from olive oil, where GLP-1 levels
- increased, weight gain decreased, and insulin sensitivity improved.
For the highest quality olive oil from ancient heirloom trees 300-1000 years old click here or on the product carousel below.
5) Vegetables & Fruit
When your get the munchies reach for your favorite fruit or vegetable. both Cooked and raw vegetables contain phytonutrients essential to health. Don't overcook the vegetables, soggy vegetables are not as filling or tasty. Steam or cook vegetables in just a little water and drizzle with a little olive oil and salt for a healthy snack.
Getting your taste buds used to eating healthy foods is essential for weight loss.
It may not provide the immediate sugar rush you're craving but its satisfying in the long term.
4) Avocadoes
Avocados may increase GLP-1 levels through their high content of fiber and monounsaturated fats, per the previously mentioned 2016 review.
One study from 2019 found that, compared with consuming a control meal, eating a whole avocado with a meal increased levels of GLP-1 along with another appetite-regulating hormone called peptide YY, while also reducing insulin levels.
Weight Loss Diet Plan-Real food based weight loss Joseph's Organic Bakery
Our Weight Loss Diet Plan 30 Day Gold
is a pathway to weight loss. But the benefits don't end there, by adopting our healthy protocol the body will rejuvenate as a whole, experiencing renewed energy, improved digestion, reduced inflammation, and balanced insulin levels.
To accomplish this, we take a holistic approach by incorporating our ancient grain breads, various teas, herbs & superfoods to offset the years of abuse and toxic overload.
Choose one of our 3 Weight Loss Diet Plans that suits your needs and
click here to learn more